Thursday, May 14, 2009

Busy Thursday

There's a lot going on today. We've got one graduating from Texas A&M University tomorrow so we're planning a big hoorah. He was on the 5 yr program so we're most happy to see this come to an end. So today is cooking and cleaning day.
I'd tried to get a good night's sleep so I can get crackin' early. Dottie crawled up in bed with me early this morning and curled up right under my, that's not a typo. My cup runneth over and so do my chins...
Anyway, today is also the day for the aerial spray for the orchard so had to get horses in the barn and prepare for the spray. Hopefully, this will be a good year and we'll have a great harvest.

So while I'm in the kitchen with eggs cooking on the stove, I thought I'd snap a few pictures of the kitchen and family's all one big room. There's nothing yet on the walls...just haven't had time to get to that yet.

Yes, I took the easy way out and bought canned foods. Trust me, I'm still cooking a lot. Here in Texas we eat big.
Happy Trails...


  1. Congrats on your graduation! Been there, done that! Long day, long ceremony, tired-of-sitting buns. But it's all SO worth it. We'll be in CS Saturday, too. And you're right - it'll be a zoo! I hope it doesn't rain!

    I sure do like your new home. It looks so cozy and homey. Love your farm table, too. We want to see the rest of it sometime!!!

    Have a good time in CS!

  2. Sounds like a good time to have a party!!
    Love your home....I like the windows...the openness. Looks like your tile is very similar to mine. Good taste!!! lol

  3. I forgot - Dottie sure has made herself at home, and I'm sure you don't mind at all. I used to have a big ole Siamese cat that slept with me every night as a teenager. My allergy to cats has gotten worse over the years. I'm so envious - I love to cuddle with kitties!

  4. Everything looks great, Berte! It seems you have everything in place already like you've been living there quite awhile. I know you and Buddy must be glad to finally be settling in.
    Have fun this weekend, and
    Gig 'em, Aggies!

  5. Congrats on the graduation!! A job well done Mom!!

    THIS HOUSE IS FABULOUS!!!!! I love all the wood and everything else. Looks so easy to live in!!!

    Have fun this weekend!


  6. Nice place! I'm happy for you.

  7. How exciting!!! Congrats!

    To answer your question - yes, I am fairly close to the Rose Emporium but believe it or not - the roses they sell were not as mature as I wanted. My new climbers will be in rather harsh soil, and even though I dug huge holes and lined them with wonderful compost..they will still need all the help they can get until they get really established!

  8. Congratulations on the one graduating! So a good thing to see such a great ending and a great beginning! I just love your kitchen! I had to laugh at the "chins" with your kitty. I have serious cleaning I need to get done as well. Have a great weekend,blessings,Kathleen


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