Monday, April 11, 2011

Still hangin' in here

I honestly try and post on this blog but I find myself coming and going. I know, I know... I need to slow down and smell the roses. As a matter of fact, that is just about the only thing that is green and growing around here. We have not had rain in months and everything is dust around here. It's horrible! And the wind will almost blow me to Kansas! We live in the middle of farmland and it's nothing but a cloud of dust. If ya'll think things are getting pricy now, just wait...several of these farmers are considering not even planting their cotton crops this year. That's bad news for us. Cotton prices are going to skyrocket. Okay, enough of that...

The black calf is gone...hallelujah! He never would get big so off to the sale he went. I'm jumping for joy! Now, to figure out what to do with the Longhorn... those horns are dangerous. If only I had a hotshot...

Between the etsy shop, the farm and working on church stuff, my plate has been full. I'm not complaining. I'm so blessed. Buddy worked hard to make a cross for our church. We started a cowboy church the first of the year and we meet in an auction barn so this helped. You might be able to see it in the picture. I wrapped the bottom with a burlap bag since the entire cross is stuck in a Christmas tree stand. What do ya call it?...ambiance? helped. See the podium? One of the guys at church made it for Buddy. It's so folds up and it goes wherever. It's got a barbed wire cross on the front.
We have another new addition to our menagerie...Meet Jethro. He's three months old and will be Buddy's compadre. Gussie, the red heeler is mine. All the merrier!

To everyone..

Happy Trails,



  1. Oh Berte---you life is full and good! Blessings, my friend.

  2. Hi, there,
    Just finding your blog over at Golden Pines - looking forward to reading more!

  3. Hi Berte - I've been gone for awhile, too, so don't feel bad. I've been too busy to blog, too. I see you have two new babies in your life - congratulations! 9 grandbabies. w.o.w. Wish I could just have ONE at this point.

    I know what you mean about no rain. We've had more than you guys, but the wind is tearing everything up and drying the land up. It's just sand and blowing and tearing the leaves off of my little garden plants. I can't remember when it's been this bad!

    Any of those big fires close to ya'll's place? I sure hope not!
    You take care - hope you get some rain soon!


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Have a blessed day...