Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Day in the Warm Sunshine
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Another End of Year Upon Us
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to All

When I could hardly hold open my eyes, I waited for my movie to end and then bundled up to head for the barn to check on the chicks to make sure they were fairing okay on the first night out in the barn. As I walked out under a clear starry sky, I could not help but think of how Mary had to feel as she traveled to Bethlehem, trying to find a place to deliver this wonderful moving little creature in her belly. How scary that must have been. What faith she must have had. As I entered the barn, I again thought of how Mary must have felt as her belly began to contract with labor and the only place they could find for this miracle delivery was in a barn. There was no one around to help her. It reminds me that when we sometimes are at our lowest point, feeling all alone, we are really never alone. God is always with us to comfort us and see us through all our troubles. And what a gift we've received. Our Father's Son, Jesus, sent to save us all.
So on this Christmas day, I wish everyone a very blessed Christmas.
Happy Trails...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Big Hilda
Because some of these are sex links, it is known immediately after they're hatched if they are pullets or roosters. Either Big Hilda is going to be
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Peep Day!
Are these not the cutest little chicks you've ever seen? Okay, all baby chicks are cute...just little puff balls of soft down. The little black ones are sooo tiny. If you're wondering why the picture has a pink cast, it's because they're under a red heat lamp.
After sitting and watching these mice in my kitchen crawl out of the stove and hop in the plastic live trap, eat the baited peanut butter cracker and turn and get OUT, thumbing their little nose at me....I resorted to calling my friendly exterminator ...."HELP!" He advised me to find the hole where they're getting in...are you kidding me?! Other than that, out comes the black box baited with poison (no more peanut butter) and snap-traps. The black box sits outside so, hopefully, they will go off and die and then the snap-traps are right next to my stove. And, of course, just as soon as I crawl in a nice warm bed last night...SNAP!..okay, out of bed I go, get dressed and go out and pitch the little sucker. This is gross but in the last 24 hours, my pitch pile is getting big. Yuk...
I have to show you this picture of Gretchen..she's a very mini dachshund. Last week we had cold weather with sleet and snow and she just couldn't warm up. I went looking all around for her (keep in mind, there's not too many places to get lost in an RV!) and she finally stuck her head out of the dirty clothes basket. Aha! There you are!
Isn't she cute? I went out and bought her a little pink sweater with pom-pom's on it. What you don't see in the picture is the fact that she really doesn't like it. She's just not a sweater-girl!
I guess I'm gonna have to get with the program and put up some Christmas lights or something. Everybody's been posting some wonderful Christmas thoughts and pictures. My friend, Robin, has her house completely decorated with a Christmas tree in every room in her house. She could give Martha Stewart a run for her money! Your house looks awesome, Robin!
Happy Trails...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Cowboy Up!
This past week I have been telling myself repeatedly to "cowboy up" and persevere. First of all, I've been trying to get my online store up and running but I guess December is not the month to think that I'm going to find some quality, undisrupted quiet time to work on computer stuff that takes my undivided attention, especially in tight living quarters in a fifth-wheel RV. I'm not real computer savvy but can usually figure stuff out if I can have time to concentrate and be very patient. Unfortunately, it is not happening right now. I am still working on getting it up and running so please don't give up on me.
Speaking of living in tight quarters in a RV - as I've mentioned before, we are in the process of building our house out here at the pecan orchard and are living in the RV next to the house site. Well... I think every mouse in this county has moved in with us and are breeding right here in the walls! Yuk!! I sit here at the table, trying desperately to work on my computer and off to my side is a mouse coming out of the stove and staring at me like I'm irritating him for being here! Please... he has no fear! It is amazing how something so small can make so much noise. Being the creature loving person that I am, I decide to go with the ol' technique of putting out cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil to make them leave. Ha! I think they are using them to build their nests! So next I go out and buy some of those little plastic no-kill boxes that traps the mouse and you take them out and let them go. First, they go in and take the peanut butter cracker and somehow keep the trap door up and get out! ?!?! These little guys are so prevalent, I sit here and watch them! They could care less that I'm sitting here. So.... I've mastered setting up the traps...aha! Now I'm taking handfuls of little plastic boxes full of mice out far away every morning and letting them go. I think I'm going to start doing like those zoologist or animal behaviorist or whoever they are and tag these little guys because I think they're circling around and coming back in...they look mighty familiar!
Okay, I'm open for suggestions...can somebody recommend a webhost with an easy tutorial for the website design? I'm not giving up. And if anyone has any suggestions on getting rid of these mice, please leave your comments. If I thought they could be trained, I have enough for a three-ring circus with backup!
Happy Trails...
Monday, December 8, 2008
On The Run

Okay, folks, like everyone this time of year, I've been so busy running back and forth between San Antonio and home, trying to help out with the older boys so their mom can concentrate on taking care of the new baby and doing some healing herself. When I got to San Antonio last night, Jacob was working on a school project about The Battle at Bunker Hill. I thought it was so cool, I have to share a picture of it. I'm also including some pictures of Texas that I snapped while on the road...probably not a real good idea pulling over and taking pictures, but ohwell..
I love taking pictures of old houses and barns and this old stone home is over 100 years old..
Texas longhorns
Please....don't fence me in...
Happy Trails...
Give-Away Day #3 Winner!
Don't give up on me. RiverBend Farm Store should be up and running in the next day or two so don't go far. Come back and visit!
Happy Trails...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Give-Away Day #3
Here we are at Day#3...hasn't this been fun? Today I'm offering this insulated food carrier. It will keep foods hot or cold. It measures 12 x 18 and can easily accomodate a 9 x 13 pan.
For a chance to win, leave me a comment with some way that I can reply to you if you're chosen. I'm going to leave this give-away open til noon Dec 6th, CST. Thanks to everyone for being so patient with me until I get my online store open. I'm enjoying everyone's comments so much that I'm thinking I should do a weekly give-away until Christmas...what do you think?
Happy Trails...
Give-Away Day #2 Winner!
Please come back and visit and check out my Give-Away Day #3. I'll post it shortly.
Happy Trails...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Big Give-Away Day #2
As promised, here's another chance to win something handmade. It's a set of four quilted Christmas coasters. These are great for gift giving or keeping for yourself for the holidays.
Please leave me a comment for a chance to win and one lucky person will be drawn by a random number generator after midnight tonight, CST. International participants welcome. When leaving a comment, make sure I have some kind of email to return a reply if you're chosen. Good Luck!
Happy Trails...
We Have A Winner For Day#1
By a random number generator, the winner of the Male Apron is Hannah from Tampa, Florida. Congratulations!
Don't miss out on another opportunity to win another one of my handmade items to be posted soon on GiveAway Day #2. I should have my online store up and running in the next few days; if anyone is interested in purchasing a Male Apron, just send me an email by commenting to this post and I will get back with you. Thanks to everyone for participating in the GiveAway.
Happy Trails...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Big Give-Away Day #1
Here in Texas we love to cook...and eat! Both my boys grew up learning how to cook and are now culinary delights. Joe is more the gourmet cook that can just about match any chef out there while Luke is the master of some barbecue that will melt in your mouth. In our homes, the kitchen seems to be where everyone hangs out. So I thought I would make this 100% cotton twill men's apron with a zipper appropriately placed in just the right spot. I have to give the credit to my sister for this idea. She's made these for years and they always seem to be something fun for the master chef. Thanks, Judy!
If you would like a chance at winning this apron, please leave me a comment along with your email and/or blog address so I can contact you if you're chosen. International participants are welcome in this give-away. Today's give-away will end at midnight tonight CST and a winner will be announced tomorrow on Dec 4th. Come back tomorrow for my Give-Away Day #2. Good Luck!
Go over to Sew, Mama, Sew for the master list of all the participating blogs.
Happy Trails...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tomorrow's the Day!

Since I'm still working on getting my store online, I've decided to give away something for the next three days starting tomorrow. So now you have three chances to win. One lucky winner will be chosen at random each day so please come back and leave a comment along with your email and/or blog address so I can contact you if you're chosen. You must leave a comment each day for a chance to win. International participants are welcome in this give-away. See ya tomorrow when I post my first gift. I look forward to hearing from you!
Happy Trails...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The End to a Thanksgiving Holiday
I hope that everyone had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. I did manage to get my pecan pie baked and indulged in a slice and it was wonderful. There's nothing better than homemade fresh pecan pie. Well, okay, there's homemade vanilla ice cream or a 1 lb box of Whitman Samplers. Now who doesn't like chocolate?
It's been a busy four days going back and forth between Caldwell and San Antonio so will leave y'all with some pictures.
Happy Trails...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sweet Baby Girl
Give - Away Day

Check out Sew, Mama, Sew! at http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=647. It's a great way to check out other's blog and maybe even win something!
Happy Trails...
Happy Birthday, Jule
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A New Gadget
Aren't they pretty? I can almost taste that
pecan pie...
Happy Trails...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Beauty Day
Wednesday morning started off with a fresh pedicure for the girls. Then it seems like I've been off and running and haven't stopped yet. The past couple days have been super busy meeting with contractors so I can get bids on building the house. Then with that, I've been looking at windows, doors, fixtures, etc. so that they're bidding "apples to apples". I'm trying to get all this done before I leave next week for the arrival of my new granddaughter. I can't believe it's been nine months since the grandboys called to tell me they were expecting a "new visitor". Well, I think she'll be staying awhile. After two boys, my son and daughter-in-law are being blessed with a little girl. I know God has big plans for this little one. I can't wait to see her and hold her. I love my grandbabies! This will make #6 and I love them all. My cup truly runs over.
Happy Trails...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Birthday Celebration
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Fence
Yippee!! I just got a call from the draftsman that the final houseplans are ready. I'm outa here to go pick them up. Stay tuned...I've got some exciting things I'm working on for my blog.
Happy Trails...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Full Wheel Deal
We're in the process of fencing in what will be the yard around the house. It will not only keep the coyotes out of the yard but also the horses. Keep in mind that we are living in the 5th wheel RV while the house is being built and sometimes when I go to open the door, the horses are standing right there! The fence man should be back tomorrow to finish. I'll post pictures when he's done.
Several people have asked what kind of pecans we have here. To give a little background about the orchard, a prominent businessman and a professor and extension horticulturist from Texas A&M University started this orchard about 25-30 years ago. It has been told to us that one of them wanted to leave something that would keep on going long after he's gone. From what we understand, they planted a variety of pecans out here. We get all kinds including Choctaw, Wichita and natives to name a few. They are sized like a small sweet potato to a small pumpkin shape to the size of a peanut and also long and skinny like a bullet. We are continuing to learn everything we can about the orchard and hope that we will make Ol' Army Lou proud.
These days I don't go out without my little pecan wheel so I don't miss picking up a pecan. I love picking up pecans! It's so relaxing; it's my quiet time to walk through the leaves and do some serious thinking. I tend to get in a bad habit of walking around with my head down constantly looking for pecans. This time of year we end up with pecans everywhere. There's usually a few in my pockets or in my truck or on the kitchen table. I even see pecans in my sleep.
I'll leave you with a tip about storing pecans -
Place shelled pecans in an airtight container or plastic zip-top freezer bag. Label with date of purchase. Store in refrigerator for 6-9 months or preferably in the freezer for up to 2 years. Pecans can be thawed and refrozen and not lose their quality.
Happy Trails...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Behold, A Wish Come True
I took some amazing pictures along the way but most of them didn't turn out. I've put a request into Santa for a new camera for Christmas. That'll give me a good reas
I had to put in this picture of an old barn
of my cousin's. I love old barns and this
one was begging me to take it's picture.
So for all you that have some sort of dream or wish list to do in your lifetime, don't give up. It can still happen.
Happy Trails...